The 5 Way Big Cat Are Just Like Small Cats (Video)

 Big cats some of the most famous predators in the world. With big teeth, long claws

and an incredible mix of strength and agility,

they have a fearsome reputation in the animal kingdom.

But one thing we often forget is that really

big cats are just big cats.

Their behaviour is remarkably similar to that of house cats, simply on a larger scale.

Let's look at five ways leopards and your house cat are indistinguishable.

For leopards, looks are everything. Our house-proud cats spend plenty of time

bathing themselves with their sandpaper-like tongues.

And this big cat is no stranger to personal hygiene either.

Imagine the size of the furballs. One of the things that makes cats cats

is their larger-than-life personalities. At home, they may face off with

the neighbourhood dog double their size. But in the wild,

this leopard faces off with hyenas much bigger than her.

And even stands her ground when an elephant comes her way.

And all those antics aside,what's more popular on the internet than cats? Kittens!

And, yep, leopard kittens are exactly as cute and playful as you'd expect.

As joyful as this looks, it is theorised that being playful when young actually forms

a very important function in animals.

These tumbling, pouncing behaviours could actually be preparation for when they grow up.

This playtime is crucial to learning the basics of the techniques

which let them survive as an adult. From one cat cliché to another.

How about climbing trees? With varying skill, most cats are at home in the branches

and, in fact, leopards are one of the most comfortable in trees.

They even use it as a larder to store their kills out of reach of anyone

who might steal their food. And with a jump like this,

there's no risk of them getting stuck up there either.

If there's one thing cats do better than anyone else, it's catnap.

And leopards are no different. Sleep is life for these furry felines,

napping everywhere from the rough ground all the way to the branches of the trees.

They love to sleep. In fact, during the day, leopards will spend more time

asleep than doing anything else. Not quite what you'd expect from this notorious prowling predator.

No matter their size, cats are, well... cats. Maybe next time you look at your cat, you'll see a

little leopard there instead.

Despite their size differences, big cats share several behavioral and physiological traits with their smaller relatives. Here are five ways big cats are similar to small cats:

1. Predatory Instincts: Big cats, like lions, tigers, and leopards, share the same predatory instincts as small cats, such as domestic cats. They stalk, ambush, and pounce on prey in a similar manner, showcasing their innate hunting abilities.

2. Territorial Behavior: Both big and small cats exhibit territorial behavior. They mark their territory using scent glands and vocalizations to communicate boundaries and warn off potential intruders.

3. Solitary Lifestyle: While some big cats, like lions, are known for their social behavior, many big cats, including tigers and leopards, lead solitary lives, much like smaller wild cats. Even in social species, individual territories are still respected.

4. Grooming: Big cats engage in grooming behaviors similar to small cats. They use their tongues to clean their fur, removing dirt and parasites, which helps maintain their coat's health and insulation.

5. Play Behavior: Both big and small cats exhibit playful behavior, especially when they're young. Play helps them develop essential hunting and fighting skills while strengthening bonds within their social groups (if applicable).

Despite their differences in size and habitat, big cats' similarities to small cats offer insights into the shared evolutionary traits and behaviors that have helped these feline species thrive in various environments.

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