The Tiny Turtle Crosses Terrifying Road (Video)

Turtles are hard-wired to associate horizons with the presence of water.

Here, it takes her on a direct path up to the road.

It's not just the traffic she needs to worry about. Predators patrol the highway,

searching for an easy meal.

The forest lies 10 metres ahead of her. Out here, there's no hiding.

On this flat ground she can travel much quicker, at a quarter of a mile an hour.

But with vehicles travelling at 50mph, the odds are stacked against her.

More trouble. A raven. These intelligent predators have a keen eye. Saved,

by a truck. Sometimes being little pays off.

Crossing a road can indeed be a daunting task for a tiny turtle! Turtles often encounter risks when navigating across roads due to their slow movement and vulnerability to vehicles. If you're interested in discussing the challenges turtles face when crossing roads or want to know more about how we can help protect them, feel free to share more details or ask any questions you have.

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